Spec - Events

Table Of Contents

List Events

This function allows the caller to list events for a period of time for a specified group or all groups.


Group ID (if omitted, show events from all groups), Event ID (if omitted, show all events that meet criteria), Show Attendees (Y or N), Max Records, Start Date (YYYYMMDD), and/or End Date(YYYYMMDD).

If neither Start Date nor End Date is specified, return requested amount of future events, sorted ascending by Start Date and Time. If the Max Records is not specified, the function will return all of the records meeting the criteria specified.

To get events after a timestamp obtained earlier, pass updated_timestamp = (“timestampvalue”).

Specify get_all=”true” to return all events from the account the user owns, plus events from any groups in other accounts of which the user is a member., To request events from an account that the user is a member of, specify account_id = (AccountID)


List of Events or Failure Message

Example Request


Example Request (filter by event ID)


Example Request (show attendees, filter by group)


Example Request (filter by date range and max records)


Example Request (filter by updated timestamp)

<GetEventsRequest updated_timestamp="2012-08-01 12:00:00"></GetEventsRequest>

Example Request (get all)

<GetEventsRequest get_all="true"></GetEventsRequest>

Example Request (shared access)

<GetEventsRequest account_id="12345"></GetEventsRequest>

Example Response

        <FacilityName>Dan's House</FacilityName>
        <GroupName>My Group Name 1</GroupName>
        <Notes>This is a note 1</Notes>
        <UpdatedTimeStamp>2012-08-21 11:19:33</UpdatedTimeStamp>
        <StartDateTime>2009-01-05 17:00:00</StartDateTime>
        <EndDateTime>2009-01-05 21:00:00</EndDateTime>
        <FacilityAddress>999 Washington Dr.</FacilityAddress>
        <FacilityName>Test Location</FacilityName>
        <GroupName>My Group Name 1</Group Name>
        <Notes>This is a note 2</Notes>
        <UpdatedTimeStamp>2012-08-13 11:19:33</UpdatedTimeStamp>
        <StartDateTime>2009-06-26 14:00:00</StartDateTime>
        <EndDateTime>2009-06-26 15:00:00</EndDateTime>

Example Response (show attendees)

        <FacilityName>Dan's House</FacilityName>
        <GroupName>My Group Name 1</GroupName>
        <Notes>This is a note 1</Notes>
        <UpdatedTimeStamp>2009-01-05 12:19:33</UpdatedTimeStamp>
        <StartDateTime>2009-01-05 17:00:00</StartDateTime>
        <EndDateTime>2009-01-05 21:00:00</EndDateTime>
        <FacilityAddress>999 WashingtonDrive</FacilityAddress>
        <FacilityName>Test Location</FacilityName>
        <GroupName>My Group Name 1</GroupName>
        <Notes>This is a note 2</Notes>
        <UpdatedTimeStamp>2012-08-22 02:01:13</UpdatedTimeStamp>
        <StartDateTime>2009-06-26 14:00:00</StartDateTime>
        <EndDateTime>2009-06-26 15:00:00</EndDateTime>
        <EventTitle>Another Test Event</EventTitle>
        <FacilityName>Dan's House</FacilityName>
        <GroupName>My Group Name 1>
        <Notes>This is a note 3</Notes>
        <UpdatedTimeStamp>2012-08-02 09:09:08</UpdatedTimeStamp>
        <StartDateTime>2009-04-22 16:00:00</StartDateTime>
        <EndDateTime>2009-04-22 17:00:00</EndDateTime>

Add New Event

This function allows the caller to add events for a period of time for the specified group.



Success (and EventID) or Failure Message

Example Request

    <Event request_id="a1b2c3">
        <EventTitle>Bob's Cookout!</EventTitle>
            <Attendee>Joe Shmoe</Attendee>

Example Request (shared access)

    <Event account_id="12345">
        <EventTitle>Bob's Cookout!</EventTitle>
            <Attendee>Joe Shmoe</Attendee>

Example Response

        <Event request_id="a1b2c3">
            <UpdatedTimeStamp>2012-08-30 14:24:09</UpdatedTimeStamp>
        <Event request_id="d4e5f6">
            <UpdatedTimeStamp>2012-08-30 14:24:09</UpdatedTimeStamp>

Modify Existing Event

This function allows the caller to modify an event’s times, dates, and other information relevant to the event.



Success or Failure Message

Example Request

<ModifyEventRequest EventID="42">
    <EventType>Brunch / Cookout</EventType>

Example Request (shared access)

<ModifyEventRequest EventID="42" account_id="12345">
    <EventType>Brunch / Cookout</EventType>

Example Response

    <UpdatedTimeStamp>2012-08-30 14:24:09</UpdatedTimeStamp>

Delete Events

This function allows the caller to delete one or more Events from the database.



For each Event, Event_id, Success or Failure Message

Example Request

        <Event EventID="25" request_id="a1b2c3"/>
        <Event EventID="45" request_id="d4e5f6"/>

Example Request (shared access)

        <Event EventID="25" account_id="12345"/>

Example Response

        <Event request_id="a1b2c3">
        <Event request_id="d4e5f6">

Get Event Types

This function allows the caller to retrieve valid Event Types for a group in an account.


Group ID (required). Account ID (optional - required for shared access. If missing, will be account owned by the user).

Use get_all to get all the event types groups that the user is a member of.


Success or failure. On success, a list of valid Event Types for the account.

Example Request

<GetEventTypesRequest group_id="9985"></GetEventTypesRequest>

Example Request (shared access)

<GetEventTypesRequest group_id="5023" account_id="12345"></GetEventTypesRequest>

Example Request (shared access with get_all)

<GetEventTypesRequest get_all="true"></GetEventTypesRequest>

Example Response


Update Attendees Attendance

This function allows the caller to modify an event by updating attendees’ RSVP statuses.

Attendees statuses can be changed or new attendees can be added to the attend, noshow, unsure, or checked in lists.



Result (Success or Failure), EventID, Failure Message and/or Number Attending.

Example Request

<UpdateEventAttendeesRequest EventID="42">

Example Request (shared access)

<UpdateEventAttendeesRequest EventID="42" account_id="12345" group_id="1">

Example Response


Get Event Locations

This function allows the caller to retrieve locations for events for an account.


account_id (optional - required for shared access. If missing, will be account owned by the user).

To get events after a timestamp obtained earlier, pass updated_timestamp = (“timestampvalue”).

Pass get_all = “true” to get all event locations for accounts where user has events permissions.


Success or failure. For each location, ID, Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Country, Phone, Website.

Example Request


Example Request (get all)

<GetEventLocationsRequest get_all="true"></GetEventLocationsRequest>

Example Request

<GetEventLocationsRequest updated_timestamp="2012-08-01 12:00:00"></GetEventLocationsRequest>

Example Request (shared access)

<GetEventLocationsRequest account_id="12345"></GetEventLocationsRequest>

Example Response

            <Name>My Event Location 1</Name>
            <Address>123 Sample Street</Address>
            <City>My City</City>
            <UpdatedTimeStamp>2012-12-06 10:52:17</UpdatedTimeStamp>
            <Name>My Event Location 2</Name>
            <Address>456 Another Street</Address>
            <UpdatedTimeStamp>2012-12-06 14:59:29</UpdatedTimeStamp>

Add Event Location

This function allows the caller to add a location for events for an account.



Success or failure. LocationID, AccounNumber, and UpdatedTimeStamp for new location if successful.

Example Request

    <Name>My Location</Name>
    <Address>123 My Street</Address>
    <City>My City</City>

Example Request (shared access)

<AddEventLocationRequest account_id="12345">
    <Name>My Location2</Name>
    <Address>456 Another Street</Address>
    <City>New City</City>

Example Response

    <UpdatedTimeStamp>2012-12-06 14:15:15</UpdatedTimeStamp>

Edit Event Location

This function allows the caller to edit a location for events for an account.


account_id (optional - required for shared access. If missing, will be account owned by the user).

location_id of event to edit.

Fields to change (Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Country, Phone, Website).


Success or failure. LocationID for edited location if successful.

Example Request

<EditEventLocationRequest location_id="87">
    <Name>My Location</Name>
    <Address>124 My Street</Address>
    <City>This City</City>

Example Request (shared access)

<EditEventLocationRequest location_id="91" account_id="12345">
    <Name>My New Location 2</Name>
    <Address>458 Another Street</Address>
    <City>Rapid City</City>

Example Response

    <UpdatedTimeStamp>2012-12-07 09:12:21</UpdatedTimeStamp>

Delete Event Location

This function allows the caller to delete a location for events for an account.


account_id (optional - required for shared access. If missing, will be account owned by the user).

location_id of event to delete.


Success or failure. LocationID for deleted location if successful.

Example Request

<DeleteEventLocationRequest location_id="87"></DeleteEventLocationRequest>

Example Request (shared access)

<DeleteEventLocationRequest location_id="91" account_id="12345"></DeleteEventLocationRequest>

Example Response


Get Events And CRM Activities

This function allows the caller to retrieve all the events and CRM activities.



Success or failure. List of events and CRM activities within date range.

Example Request

<GetEventsAndCRMActivitiesRequest group_id="4" start_date="20150417" end_date="20150417"/>

Example Response

            <FacilityAddress>123 Main Street</FacilityAddress>
            <EndDateTime>2015-04-17 15:00:00</EndDateTime>
            <Notes>&lt;p&gt;At 1pm, Vince will provide training for anti-virus/anti-spyware, as well as defense against socially-engineered attacks. &amp;nbsp;&lt;/p&gt;
            &lt;p&gt;Google Hangout will be provided for remote peeps.&lt;/p&gt;</Notes>
            <FacilityCity>Some City</FacilityCity>
            <FacilityName>Meeting Place</FacilityName>
            <EventTitle>Meeting and Security Training</EventTitle>
            <StartDateTime>2015-04-17 10:00:00</StartDateTime>
            <GroupName>Teamr Management</GroupName>
            <UpdatedTimeStamp>2015-04-16 12:11:49</UpdatedTimeStamp>
            <Contact_firstname>Testfirst1 &amp; and " '</Contact_firstname>
            <Contact_lastname>Test1 &amp; 2</Contact_lastname>
            <Group_name>My Group</Group_name>
            <Done_date>2015-04-18 16:20:00</Done_date>
            <Due_date>2015-02-19 11:00:00</Due_date>
            <Notes>Reply to his email about the meeting</Notes>
            <UpdatedTimeStamp>2015-04-17 13:20:05</UpdatedTimeStamp>

Get Event Contacts Attending

This function allows the caller to retrieve all the contacts who RSVPed ‘Attending’ for an event



Success or failure. List of contacts attending the specified event.

Example Request

<GetEventContactsAttendingRequest group_id="4" event_id="100"/>

Example Request (shared access)

<GetEventContactsAttendingRequest group_id="4" event_id="100" account_id="12345"/>

Example Response

            <Firstname>Testfirst1 &amp; and " ' P</Firstname>
            <Lastname>Test1 &amp; 2</Lastname>
            <Phone>(012) 111-111</Phone>

Get Event Contacts Not Attending

This function allows the caller to retrieve all the contacts who RSVPed ‘Not Attending’ for an event



Success or failure. List of contacts not attending the specified event.

Example Request

<GetEventContactsNotAttendingRequest group_id="4" event_id="100"/>

Example Request (shared access)

<GetEventContactsNotAttendingRequest group_id="4" event_id="100" account_id="12345"/>

Example Response


Get Event Contacts Unsure

This function allows the caller to retrieve all the contacts who RSVPed ‘Unsure’ for an event



Success or failure. List of contacts who are unsure for the specified event.

Example Request

<GetEventContactsUnsureRequest group_id="4" event_id="100"/>

Example Request (shared access)

<GetEventContactsUnsureRequest group_id="4" event_id="100" account_id="12345"/>

Example Response


Get Event Contacts Not Yet Responded

This function allows the caller to retrieve all the contacts who have not RSVP for an event



Success or failure. List of contacts whom not yet responded to the specified event.

Example Request

<GetEventContactsNotYetRespondedRequest group_id="4" event_id="100"/>

Example Request (shared access)

<GetEventContactsNotYetRespondedRequest group_id="4" event_id="100" account_id="12345"/>

Example Response
